A unique project for the Kids Channel. We’ve designed and illustrated all the characters and elements for the video series produced by Studio Nanook (today known as Studio Kiss), featuring the hosts of the Kids Channel – Kobi Mahat, Tal Mosseri, Don Lenny Gabay, Roni Duani. The video series is engaged in raising awareness for children and youth while serfing the internet and calls to be safe on the Web.
Koren: Sidur
Koren Jerusalem – Sidur
This video was shown in an exhibition without sound.
Cafe Chabad
Cafe Chabad is a Beit Chabad which got a brand of a cafe shop. We bla bla something something. Cafe Chabad is a Beit Chabad which got a brand of a cafe shop.
Client: Cafe Chabad
Graphic Design: ArtDirector Web Developing: Nadav Remez Photography: Sivan Ophir
Our spiritual journey, as a humanity. Our character is released from the shackles of its ego and connects to the other and reveals itself.